List of gender equality lawsuits

This page has a list of lawsuits related to gender equality.

Lawsuit Subject of lawsuit Court of decision Year of decision
Allonby v Accrington and Rossendale College equal pay for work of equal value European Court of Justice 2004
Attorney General of Canada v. Lavell Indian status retained or lost by Indians marrying non-Indians Supreme Court of Canada 1973
Bliss v. Canada (Attorney General) unemployment insurance benefits during pregnancy Supreme Court of Canada 1978
Califano v. Goldfarb protection afforded wage earners for surviving spouses Supreme Court of the United States 1977
Chrapliwy v. Uniroyal segregated hiring and seniority system United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit 1982
Craig v. Boren age of majority for purchasing "nonintoxicating" beer Supreme Court of the United States 1976
Dukes v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. discrimination in promotions, pay, and job assignments
EOC v SS for Trade and Industry incompatibility of employment equality regulations High Court of England and Wales 2007
Evans v. the United Kingdom consent for destruction of frozen embryos European Court of Human Rights 2007
Geduldig v. Aiello disability insurance benefits for female workers during normal pregnancy Supreme Court of the United States 1974
Goesaert v. Cleary employment as bartenders Supreme Court of the United States 1948
Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. statute of limitations on pay discrimination Supreme Court of the United States 2007
Mauldin v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. health insurance not covering prescription contraceptives United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan admission to School of Nursing United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia 1982
Native Women's Association of Canada v. Canada financial support for interest groups Supreme Court of Canada 1994
Personnel Administrator MA v. Feeney hiring preference to veterans over non-veterans Supreme Court of the United States 1979
R. v. Sullivan status of a fetus as a person, with implications for women's rights Supreme Court of Canada 1991
Reed v. Reed administrating estates cannot discriminate between sexes Supreme Court of the United States 1971
Roberts v. United States Jaycees full membership Supreme Court of the United States 1984
Schultz v. Wheaton Glass Co. equal pay for men and women United States Courts of Appeals for the Third Circuit 1970
Stanton v. Stanton age of majority, with implications for child support Supreme Court of the United States 1975
Stopps v. Just Ladies Fitness admission policy British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal 2006
Thibaudeau v. Canada income taxability of alimony for child support received by ex-wife from ex-husband Supreme Court of Canada 1995
Trociuk v. British Columbia (Attorney General) control of identity on child's birth certificate Supreme Court of Canada 2003
Weinberger v. Wiesenfeld special benefits for widows and widowers caring for minor children Supreme Court of the United States 1975

See also

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